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From Beastiepedia: The Beastieball Wiki

"They remove lightbulbs and take their place, feeding on the power supply. The bioluminescent fibres in their head glow brighter when they're well fed. "

Beelb is a Beastie.




Base Stats

Power Defense
91 Body 70
39 Spirit 104
33 Mind 92
Total: 429


ChargePOW at the end of each turnNatural


From Level Up

From Level Up
Quick BreathHEALs self +30.--Defense1--
Basic HitA ATTACK.50Body1--
EnergizedATTACK. POW +10 for each BOOST on the user.45Body6--
RefreshVOLLEY. HEALs ally +15.--Volley10--
ZingerATTACK. Target feels 2 TENDER (Defenses).40Body14--
DozeFully restores stamina and FEELINGS. Feel 4 TIRED (only basic actions).--Support18❤️2
Net RushVOLLEY. SHIFTs self to front row.--Volley23❤️1
Power SapHEALs self +10.75Body26--
Deep BreathHEALs self +30.--Support30--
ThunderOnly used from net. Auto-targets back row.110Body34--
High FiveTransfer BOOSTS to benched ally. TAG OUT with benched ally.--Defense39❤️2
Tough Front-25 STAMINA. Feel 2 TOUGH (1/4 damage).--Support43--
Vigor BeamOnly used from net. Strongest when user has more stamina.135Body48--

With Friendship

With Friendship
OverpowerPOW to self. DEF to self.110Body--
Relaxed HitATTACK. HEALs self +20.50Body--
Confident PassVOLLEY. POW to ally.--Volley❤️2
Goo-Goo EyesPOW to target.--Support--
HunkerDEF to self. Feel 1 NERVOUS (can't move).--Support❤️2
Fall BackSHIFTs active team to back row.--Defense--
FrazzleTarget feels 1 STRESSED (becomes TIRED).--Defense--
ShieldFeel 1 TOUGH (1/4 damage) + 2 ANGRY (only attacks).--Defense❤️1


  • Beelb's internal name is "snake".
