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Category:Mind Plays

From Beastiepedia: The Beastieball Wiki
Cold CalculationATTACK. DEF to self.60Mind--
CornershotAuto-targets back row. Target feels +1 SWEATY (losing stamina).25Mind--
DumpUsed from net. Targets front row. Easy receive.85Mind--
Ego BlastATTACK. Boosted by RALLY instead of weakened.70Mind--
FloaterATTACK. SHIFTs target to back row after hitting.65Mind--
FreezerATTACK. Target feels 1 NERVOUS (can't move).40Mind--
HeartbreakerATTACK. POW to target.75Mind--
Lure ShotATTACK. SHIFTs target to front row after hitting.55Mind❤️2
MindfieldATTACK. Opponent field gets 2 QUAKE (Volleys deal 25 damage).30Mind--
Nerve StrikeATTACK. POW x1.5 if target has a bad FEELING.65Mind--
NumbshotATTACK. Clears BOOSTS from target.70Mind--
Perfect ShotATTACK. Requires 2 ACTIONS.125Mind--
PierceATTACK. POW +25% for each BOOST on target.50Mind--
Practice ShotA ATTACK.40Mind--
Precision StrikeAuto-targets back row. Always does 30 damage.0Mind--
Prepared AttackATTACK. DEF to self.70Mind--
PressureATTACK. POW x2 if target just TAGGED IN.55Mind--
RainbowOnly used from back row. Auto-targets back row.100Mind--
RicochetOnly used from the net. POW x1.5 if user received the ball.80Mind--
Roll ShotOnly used from net. Auto-targets back row. Ignores BLOCKED.80Mind--
SliceTargets SIDEWAYS.60Mind--
Sneak AttackATTACK. SHIFTs self to front row after hitting.75Mind--
SnipeATTACK. Damages based on target's weakest DEF.60Mind--
SoulcrusherATTACK. Strongest when target has more STAMINA.110Mind--
SpitballATTACK. Target feels 1 ANGRY (only attacks).75Mind--
ToolAuto-targets nearest opponent.95Mind--
TrackerATTACK. Target feels 1 BLOCKED (POW x2/3).45Mind❤️2
TrickspinTargets SIDEWAYS. DEF to target.35Mind--
TwistedATTACK. Target feels 1 SHOOK (can't attack).40Mind--
ZigzagATTACK. POW +50% for each volley between allies.50Mind--