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From Beastiepedia: The Beastieball Wiki

Plays are the moves a Beastie can perform in a match.

Table of All Plays
AirblastOnly used from net. SHIFTs self to back row.115Spirit--
AssessPOW to self.--Defense--
Basic HitA ATTACK.50Body--
Battle CryActive team feels 1 JAZZED (POW +50%).--Defense--
Beginner EffortA ATTACK.45Spirit--
BlazePOW to self. -34 STAMINA.--Support❤️5
BlockOnly used from the net. Target feels 1 BLOCKED (POW x2/3).--Defense--
Body ReadyDEF to self.--Defense--
BoomATTACK. Opponent field gets 1 QUAKE (Volleys deal 25 damage).55Body--
BounceTargets SIDEWAYS. Automatically VOLLEYs to target ally.70Body--
BreakerATTACK. DEF to target.50Body--
Bring the HeatA ATTACK.85Spirit❤️5
BuildOnly used from back row. Build a WALL in front of self. -34 STAMINA.--Support--
BumpATTACK. Can hit without volleying.35Body--
BurnoutATTACK. POW to self.110Spirit❤️5
Call OutDEF to ally.--Support❤️2
Calming AuraHEALs active team +15.--Support--
Careful ShotATTACK. Targets SIDEWAYS.45Spirit--
ChallengePOW to target. POW to target.100Spirit--
CheerPOW to ally.--Support--
Chill OutPOW to target.--Support--
Clear FieldClears all FIELD EFFECTS. HEALs entire team +8.--Support--
Cold CalculationATTACK. DEF to self.60Mind--
ComebackATTACK. POW x1.5 if tied or behind on score.60Spirit--
Confident PassVOLLEY. POW to ally.--Volley❤️2
ContestATTACK. Damages based on target's strongest DEF.110Spirit--
CornershotAuto-targets back row. Target feels +1 SWEATY (losing stamina).25Mind--
CounterATTACK. POW x1.5 if user recieved the ball.75Spirit--
CoverVOLLEY. SHIFTs self to back row.--Volley❤️1
Cut ShotUsed from net. Targets front row. SHIFTs self to opposite lane.80Spirit--
CycloneForce target to TAG OUT.--Defense--
Deep BreathHEALs self +30.--Support--
Demanding SetVOLLEY. POW to ally. Active team feels 1 STRESSED (becomes TIRED).--Volley--
Desperate ForceCan hit without volleying. Feel 1 STRESSED (becomes TIRED).75Spirit--
DigVOLLEY. Feel 1 JAZZED (POW +50%).--Volley❤️2
DispelAlly's ball becomes VOLLEYed.--Support❤️5
DistractionOnly used from net. Feel 1 NOISY (attracts attacks).--Defense--
DiveATTACK. POW x2 if user just TAGGED IN.60Body--
DozeFully restores stamina and FEELINGS. Feel 4 TIRED (only basic actions).--Support❤️2
Dramatic ExitBenched ally feels 1 NOISY (attracts attacks) + 2 ANGRY (only attacks). TAG OUT.--Defense❤️5
Dreadful MistSHIFTs self to front row. Entire field gets 6 DREAD (No good feelings).--Support--
DrumAlly field gets 6 RHYTHM (Healing and protection).--Support--
DumpUsed from net. Targets front row. Easy receive.85Mind--
Ego BlastATTACK. Boosted by RALLY instead of weakened.70Mind--
EnergizedATTACK. POW +10 for each BOOST on the user.45Body--
EruptionOpponent field gets 3 QUAKE (Volleys deal 25 damage). Ally field gets 2 QUAKE.60Spirit--
Excited PassVOLLEY. POW to self.--Volley❤️5
FaithVOLLEY. POW to ally.--Volley❤️2
Fall BackSHIFTs active team to back row.--Defense--
FeintDEF to target.--Support--
FinisherATTACK. POW x2 if target STAMINA is under 50.55Body--
FlexPOW to self. DEF to self.--Support--
FloaterATTACK. SHIFTs target to back row after hitting.65Mind--
Forward PassVOLLEY. SHIFTs ally to front row.--Volley❤️5
FrazzleTarget feels 1 STRESSED (becomes TIRED).--Defense--
Free BallVolley to an opponent and skip your attack. Can always be used.0Body--
FreezerATTACK. Target feels 1 NERVOUS (can't move).40Mind--
Goo-Goo EyesPOW to target.--Support--
GrinderDamage equals 50% of target's remaining STAMINA.0Body--
GritPOW x2 when SWEATY, NERVOUS, or TENDER.65Spirit--
HawkeyeTarget feels 1 BLOCKED (POW x2/3). -10 STAMINA.--Defense--
HeartbreakerATTACK. POW to target.75Mind--
Heart Harden DEF to self.--Defense--
Heat UpTarget feels +1 SWEATY (losing stamina).--Defense❤️2
Heat WaveEvery fielded player feels +1 SWEATY (losing stamina).--Defense--
HexTarget feels 6 TIRED (only basic actions). Feel 4 WIPED.--Support--
High FiveTransfer BOOSTS to benched ally. TAG OUT with benched ally.--Defense❤️2
High SlamOnly used from net. Targets straight ahead. Can hit without volleying.80Body--
HunkerDEF to self. Feel 1 NERVOUS (can't move).--Support❤️2
HyperspikeOnly used from net. Feel 3 TIRED (only basic actions).135Body--
Inspiring DefenseFeel 1 TOUGH (1/4 damage) + 2 ANGRY (only attacks). POW to ally.--Defense--
IntimidateTarget feels 1 TENDER (Defenses).--Defense--
IntroduceBenched ally gains 1 TOUGH (1/4 damage).--Support--
JammerATTACK. POW to target.70Spirit--
JeerPOW to target. POW to target.--Support--
JuggleBall goes to self. SHIFTs self to opposite lane. POW to self.--Volley❤️5
KneebenderPOW to target.60Body--
LaunchOnly used from back. SHIFTs self into front row.100Body--
Lay TrapOpponent field gains +2 TRAP. (Tag-ins lose 8 stamina per trap).--Support❤️2
Lock TargetTarget feels 1 NOISY (attracts attacks).--Support--
Lure ShotATTACK. SHIFTs target to front row after hitting.55Mind❤️2
MarkTarget feels 1 BLOCKED (POW x2/3).--Support--
MeditatePOW to self. DEF to self. DEF to self.--Support--
Mighty YellFeel 1 NOISY (attracts attacks). Feel 2 ANGRY (only attacks).--Defense--
MindfieldATTACK. Opponent field gets 2 QUAKE (Volleys deal 25 damage).30Mind--
Mind ReadDEF to self.--Defense--
MoveMOVE to a selected space.----
Muscle MemoryATTACK. POW x1.5 if used to serve.70Body❤️2
Nerve StrikeATTACK. POW x1.5 if target has a bad FEELING.65Mind--
Net RushVOLLEY. SHIFTs self to front row.--Volley❤️1
Nettle-20 STAMINA to target.--Support--
Nice ShotEasy Receive.95Body--
NumbshotATTACK. Clears BOOSTS from target.70Mind--
OverpowerPOW to self. DEF to self.110Body--
OverthinkPOW to self. Feel 1 STRESSED (becomes TIRED).--Support--
PatienceClears BOOSTS from every fielded player. DEF to self.--Defense--
PepshotATTACK. POW to self.40Spirit--
Perfect ShotATTACK. Requires 2 ACTIONS.125Mind--
PierceATTACK. POW +25% for each BOOST on target.50Mind--
PipeVOLLEY. SHIFTs ally to back row.--Volley--
Power SapHEALs self +10.75Body--
Practice ShotA ATTACK.40Mind--
Precision StrikeAuto-targets back row. Always does 30 damage.0Mind--
Prepared AttackATTACK. DEF to self.70Mind--
PressureATTACK. POW x2 if target just TAGGED IN.55Mind--
ProvokeTarget feels 2 ANGRY (only attacks).--Support❤️5
Pump UpPOW to self. SHIFTs self to front row.--Defense--
Quick BreathHEALs self +30.--Defense--
Quick SetOnly used from net. VOLLEY. SHIFTs ally to front row. Ally feels 1 JAZZED (POW +50%).--Volley--
Quick TagTAG OUT with benched ally.--Support--
RainbowOnly used from back row. Auto-targets back row.100Mind--
RallyEntire field gets 3 RALLY (POW +50%, POW x3/4).--Support❤️2
Raw FuryATTACK. Ignores target's shields and BOOSTs.65Spirit❤️2
Reach ShotAuto-targets front row. Target feels 1 SHOOK (can't attack).0Body--
RefreshVOLLEY. HEALs ally +15.--Volley--
Relaxed HitATTACK. HEALs self +20.50Body--
RelentlessCan use even when SHOOK or TIRED.50Spirit--
RepositionSWITCH places with fielded ally.--Support--
RicochetOnly used from the net. POW x1.5 if user received the ball.80Mind--
RocketATTACK. Stronger when received in the back.70Body--
Role ReverseShifts active team to opposite row.--Defense--
Roll ShotOnly used from net. Auto-targets back row. Ignores BLOCKED.80Mind--
RowdyTarget feels 2 ANGRY (only attacks).--Support--
RumbleOpponent field gets 2 QUAKE (Volleys deal 25 damage).--Support--
SetOnly used when ball is hittable. VOLLEY. Ally feels 1 JAZZED (POW +50%).--Volley❤️2
Shake OffHEALs self +20. Clears negative FEELINGs from self.--Support--
ShieldFeel 1 TOUGH (1/4 damage) + 2 ANGRY (only attacks).--Defense❤️1
ShoveOnly used from net. SHIFTs target into back row after hitting.75Body--
SidewinderTargets SIDEWAYS. SHIFTs target to opposite lane after hitting.35Body--
SliceTargets SIDEWAYS.60Mind--
SlideATTACK. POW x1.5 if user changed row or lane this turn.70Body--
SmackPOW to benched ally. TAG OUT with benched ally.--Defense--
Sneak AttackATTACK. SHIFTs self to front row after hitting.75Mind--
SnipeATTACK. Damages based on target's weakest DEF.60Mind--
SoulcrusherATTACK. Strongest when target has more STAMINA.110Mind--
SpikeOnly used from net.100Body--
SpitballATTACK. Target feels 1 ANGRY (only attacks).75Mind--
StaredownSHIFTs self to front row. Target feels 1 NERVOUS (can't move).--Defense--
StealBall goes to self. SHIFTs self to front row.--Support❤️1
SteamerTargets straight ahead. Target gains 2 SWEATY (losing stamina).1Spirit--
StingTarget feels 2 TIRED (only basic actions). -20 STAMINA.--Defense--
StinkyTarget feels 2 SHOOK (can't attack).--Defense--
StompFeel 1 ANGRY (only attacks). If ally field has RHYTHM: POW to self.85Body--
SupercommitATTACK. Feel 1 NERVOUS (can't move).100Spirit--
Tactical PassVOLLEY. POW to ally.--Volley❤️2
Tag OutTAG OUT with a benched ally, only during defense.--Defense--
TailwindSHIFTs active team to front row.--Support--
Team ChantClears FEELINGs (except ANGRY) from entire team.--Support--
TelekinesisBall goes to self. POW to self.--Support--
TeleportSWITCH places with ally without moving ball.--Support--
ThrillerATTACK. Feel 1 JAZZED (POW +50%) before contact.60Spirit--
ThumpA ATTACK.90Body--
ThunderOnly used from net. Auto-targets back row.110Body--
ToolAuto-targets nearest opponent.95Mind--
TopplerPOW +100% for each BOOST on target.50Spirit--
Torch Pass-100 STAMINA. Restores benched ally's stamina and FEELINGs. TAG OUT.--Defense--
TornadoballATTACK. Force target to TAG OUT.60Spirit❤️2
Tough Front-25 STAMINA. Feel 2 TOUGH (1/4 damage).--Support--
TrackerATTACK. Target feels 1 BLOCKED (POW x2/3).45Mind❤️2
Trait DanceSwaps Trait with target.--Support❤️2
TrickspinTargets SIDEWAYS. DEF to target.35Mind--
TurnaboutATTACK. Strongest when user has less STAMINA.150Spirit--
TwistedATTACK. Target feels 1 SHOOK (can't attack).40Mind--
Ultimate AttackRequires 3 Actions.220Body--
UpdraftVOLLEY. +1 ACTIONs. -40 STAMINA.--Volley❤️5
Upsetting CommentOnly used from net. Every fielded player feels 1 NERVOUS (can't move).--Defense--
Vigor BeamOnly used from net. Strongest when user has more stamina.125Body--
VolleyA basic VOLLEY.--Volley--
WhistleFeel 1 NOISY (attracts attacks).--Support❤️2
ZigzagATTACK. POW +50% for each volley between allies.50Mind--
ZingerATTACK. Target feels 2 TENDER (Defenses).40Body--

Pages in category "Plays"

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