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From Beastiepedia: The Beastieball Wiki

"They receive gifts from one another on their pikes. A heavily laden Magpike is a popular one."

Magpike is a Beastie. They metamorph from Punkchirp after they form 3 relationships.

They have an Extinct form, Maraptor, which they can achieve by reducing their own Stamina to 0 while their POW is boosted to +3 or more.




Base Stats

Power Defense
90 Body 50
21 Spirit 60
105 Mind 95
Total: 421


Trusting+1 to any BOOSTs received from alliesNatural
CraftyMoves with 60 POW or less do 1.5x damageNatural


From Level Up

From Level Up
Tactical PassVOLLEY. POW to ally.--Volley1❤️2
Practice ShotA ATTACK.40Mind1--
Relaxed HitATTACK. HEALs self +20.50Body12--
Tough Front-25 STAMINA. Feel 2 TOUGH (1/4 damage).--Support18--
PressureATTACK. POW x2 if target just TAGGED IN.55Mind23--
AssessPOW to self.--Defense28--
HeartbreakerATTACK. POW to target.75Mind33--
Lay TrapOpponent field gains +2 TRAP. (Tag-ins lose 8 stamina per trap).--Support37❤️2
ShieldFeel 1 TOUGH (1/4 damage) + 2 ANGRY (only attacks).--Defense42❤️1
Cold CalculationATTACK. DEF to self.60Mind46--
SpikeOnly used from net.100Body50--

With Friendship

With Friendship
Power SapHEALs self +10.75Body--
KneebenderPOW to target.60Body--
FinisherATTACK. POW x2 if target STAMINA is under 50.55Body--
BreakerATTACK. DEF to target.50Body--
PierceATTACK. POW +25% for each BOOST on target.50Mind--
TrackerATTACK. Target feels 1 BLOCKED (POW x2/3).45Mind❤️2
Net RushVOLLEY. SHIFTs self to front row.--Volley❤️1
Call OutDEF to ally.--Support❤️2
Deep BreathHEALs self +30.--Support--
RepositionSWITCH places with fielded ally.--Support--
StealBall goes to self. SHIFTs self to front row.--Support❤️1
Trait DanceSwaps Trait with target.--Support❤️2
High FiveTransfer BOOSTS to benched ally. TAG OUT with benched ally.--Defense❤️2
Quick BreathHEALs self +30.--Defense--


Punkchirp Magpike Extinct form
Punkchirp Form 3 relationships Magpike Reduce own Stamina to 0 while POW is boosted +3 or more Maraptor


These history sections are still a work-in-progress, and may not contain changes relevant to the most recent version of Beastieball.

  • 1/12/25
    • Kneebender, Net Rush, and Steal plays added
    • Spirit POW: Reduced to 21 (from 31)
    • Body DEF: Increased to 50 (from 40)


  • Magpike's internal name is "magpie". It also has an old internal name, "mindbody".
