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Research is a mechanic in Beastieball.
Research allows the player to obtain information about Beasties in their Beastiepedia. This is done through playing matches against wild Beasties (numbered Beasties, including guardian teams and away teams, do not count).
Every round of a match against a Beastie that is not fully researched, after the player's turn, the Beastie's Research Meter will increment by 1. This occurs even if said Beastie is on the bench. If there are multiple of the same Beastie present, the meter will increment once for each of them. The amount of research required to fully research a Beastie varies between species.
When the Research Meter fills up, information about the researched Beastie, including its recruit condition, will pop up on screen, and the Beastie's full information will be added to the Beastiepedia.
If the player fulfills a Beastie's recruit condition before fully researching that Beastie, all of the remaining research for that Beastie will be obtained immediately.
The Beastie Research Society gives sponsorship money for each point of research completed. This includes if several points of research were completed at the same time through fulfilling the Beastie's recruit condition, in which case the player will receive money for all of them.
Linked Research
Not every Beastie can be found in the wild, and this means that some Beasties cannot be played against to be researched. For those Beasties, there is Linked Research.
After the player first sees a Beastie that has no known habitat, they can visit Craig in Begonia to get the necessary linked research capability added to their Beastiepedia. This displays as a small chain-link icon on the image in the Beastiepedia of a Beastie that metamorphs into the Beastie in question. From there, the player can play matches against wild Beasties that have linked research available, and the Research Meter will appear and increment as normal.
For example, Servace has no known habitat, but metamorphs from Servitt, who does. After fully researching Servitt and encountering a Servace on someone else's team, the player can visit Craig to find that linked research is available for Servitt. They can then play matches against wild Servitt to collect research on Servace.
As with regular research, fulfilling a Beastie's recruit condition fills up the Research Meter. This is more convenient than with regular research because you already know the recruit condition of the Beastie you are getting the research from.
For Beasties with multiple subsequent metamorphs that all have no known habitat (such as Gastic), research can only be completed on one metamorph at a time, and then the player has to return to Craig to enable linked research on the next metamorph. For Sprecko, who has multiple diverging metamorphs that all have no known habitat, (TODO: someone test what happens if you encounter multiple sprecko morphs at the mushroom colonies before starting or completing research on any of them).
Linked Research is only available for Beasties the player has seen, such as in matches against other coaches or on away teams or guardian teams.