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Sunsoo is an NPC in Beastieball. He is the coach of The Golden Gods, the Ranked Team of Chartreuse Island.


Sunsoo is a man with golden tan skin and dark brown, slicked back hair with an undercut. He wears a white suit over a purple turtleneck, white pants, and fancy shoes. He also sports multiple necklaces, a watch, and shiny golden sunglasses.



Sunsoo once had the biggest League sponsorship of all time. As a kid, he was signed to a huge sponsorship the day before he was to play in the Crown Series. However, that night, Sunsoo decided to stay up late partying to relieve some of his stress.

The next day, Sunsoo lost hard in the Crown Series. He lost his rank and his sponsorships, but was left with a left of money thanks to his deal's signing bonus.

Afterwards, the angry sponsors pressured the League into changing some rules to benefit both top ranked coaches and their sponsors. Despite the money he got, Sunsoo lost a lot of his enjoyment for Beastieball after this incident. He began to see the League as what it really was--a way to make money.


Inside the Beastieball Center on Chartreuse Island, the player may chat with the shopkeeper to find out where the coach could be. They learn that Sunsoo is "pretty much always partying" and can often be found at the Mermaid Club. However, the player will need the King's Letter to gain entry to the exclusive venue, which is received from Gene after winning the first match against him.

After the bouncer, Sharone, recognizes the King's Letter and allows them to enter, the player is presented with many options inside the venue. In order to progress, the player needs to go upstairs, go to the private area, and play a round of Beastieball against Sharone. This can done be before or after they wash their face by splashing a cup of water on it at the mezzanine after selecting "hydrate." A clean face is required to hit the dance floor, which is where Sunsoo will be after talking to him in the private area. On the dance floor, the player must dance harder and harder until eventually they both have to go outside and catch their breath. It is here that Sunsoo will accept the player's challenge to a Ranked Match.


First Hangout


Sunsoo Favors
Muscle MemoryATTACK. POW x1.5 if used to serve.70Body❤️2
Confident PassVOLLEY. POW to ally.--Volley❤️2
HunkerDEF to self. Feel 1 NERVOUS (can't move).--Support❤️2
High FiveTransfer BOOSTS to benched ally. TAG OUT with benched ally.--Defense❤️2


Level scaling for teams is still under research.

This team represents the lowest possible levels it can be encountered at. Plays and Metamorphs are scaled based on the levels of each Beastie and their teammates, but level scaling is not yet fully understood. See below each team for notes on their scaling.

Ranked Match

The Golden Gods

Quarters#43 (Grubiron)
Level 17

BreakerATTACK. DEF to target.50Body
SetOnly used when ball is hittable. VOLLEY. Ally feels 1 JAZZED (POW +50%).--Volley
HunkerDEF to self. Feel 1 NERVOUS (can't move).--Support
HelmetDamage from non-SIDEWAYS attacks reduced 25%

Pong#25 (Waglash)
Level 16

BreakerATTACK. DEF to target.50Body
FlexPOW to self. DEF to self.--Support
SmackPOW to benched ally. TAG OUT with benched ally.--Defense
LauncherAttacks are 30% stronger and always target straight ahead

Dunk#17 (Ostrisigh)
Level 17

Relaxed HitATTACK. HEALs self +20.50Body
SetOnly used when ball is hittable. VOLLEY. Ally feels 1 JAZZED (POW +50%).--Volley
FlexPOW to self. DEF to self.--Support
Power Up Attacks are 50% stronger when STAMINA is below 34

Boxer#10 (Crawlurk)
Level 19

BreakerATTACK. DEF to target.50Body
PressureATTACK. POW x2 if target just TAGGED IN.55Mind
FeintDEF to target.--Support
AmbushServe attacks are powered up 2x

Beastie5Name#99 (Sprecko)
Level 0

Call OutDEF to ally.--Support
ScavengerRestores 20 STAMINA when tagged out

Scaling Notes

Additional plays are swapped in based on the highest level of play learned by this Beastie or any of its teammates by level up. Beasties that metamorph do so after the level they would naturally do so.


Sunsoo also uses the final version of this team in the Super Tower Challenge.

The Golden Gods

Dunk#17 (Ostrisigh)
Level 17

StompFeel 1 ANGRY (only attacks). If ally field has RHYTHM: POW to self.85Body
FlexPOW to self. DEF to self.--Support
Quick BreathHEALs self +30.--Defense
OverworkAttacks are 30% stronger, but cost 10 STAMINA

Jello#66 (Bongus)
Level 17

StompFeel 1 ANGRY (only attacks). If ally field has RHYTHM: POW to self.85Body
DrumAlly field gets 6 RHYTHM (Healing and protection).--Support
RefreshVOLLEY. HEALs ally +15.--Volley
Flow StateWhile on field with RHYTHM, allies can't be BLOCKED

Quarters#43 (Grubiron)
Level 17

RocketATTACK. Stronger when received in the back.70Body
Confident PassVOLLEY. POW to ally.--Volley
Mighty YellFeel 1 NOISY (attracts attacks). Feel 2 ANGRY (only attacks).--Defense
RestlessNever feels TIRED

Pong#25 (Waglash)
Level 16

RocketATTACK. Stronger when received in the back.70Body
FlexPOW to self. DEF to self.--Support
Pump UpPOW to self. SHIFTs self to front row.--Defense
LauncherAttacks are 30% stronger and always target straight ahead

Boxer#10 (Crawlurk)
Level 19

LaunchOnly used from back. SHIFTs self into front row.100Body
RocketATTACK. Stronger when received in the back.70Body
Pump UpPOW to self. SHIFTs self to front row.--Defense
Hunter+50% POW when the target has just TAGGED IN

Scaling Notes

Additional plays are swapped in based on the highest level of play learned by this Beastie or any of its teammates by level up. Beasties that metamorph do so after the level they would naturally do so.


  • Oleh's mother describes Sunsoo as "trashy, but that makes him kinda hot."