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From Beastiepedia: The Beastieball Wiki

"They are often found in dumpsters. When they outgrow their can, Trats will gather with many others to exchange for larger cans."

Trat is a Beastie.


Trat are often found in trash cans. A trash can will usually shake if a Beastie is currently in it. Picking up litter that can be found around trash cans and throwing it away will get the attention of Beasties in it, allowing you to encounter them.



Base Stats

Power Defense
81 Body 49
23 Spirit 93
64 Mind 84
Total: 394


CleanupClears FIELD EFFECTS when tagged outNatural
MischiefCan use SUPPORT plays during DefenseNatural


From Level Up

From Level Up
Clear FieldClears all FIELD EFFECTS. HEALs entire team +8.--Support1--
BumpATTACK. Can hit without volleying.35Body1--
Reach ShotAuto-targets front row. Target feels 1 SHOOK (can't attack).0Body5--
Quick TagTAG OUT with benched ally.--Support8--
Goo-Goo EyesPOW to target.--Support11--
CornershotAuto-targets back row. Target feels +1 SWEATY (losing stamina).25Mind13--
DispelAlly's ball becomes VOLLEYed.--Support19❤️5
GrinderDamage equals 50% of target's remaining STAMINA.0Body23--
Trait DanceSwaps Trait with target.--Support28❤️2
RepositionSWITCH places with fielded ally.--Support33--
Power SapHEALs self +10.75Body38--
DozeFully restores stamina and FEELINGS. Feel 4 TIRED (only basic actions).--Support42❤️2
ToolAuto-targets nearest opponent.95Mind45--

With Friendship

With Friendship
Basic HitA ATTACK.50Body--
FreezerATTACK. Target feels 1 NERVOUS (can't move).40Mind--
CoverVOLLEY. SHIFTs self to back row.--Volley❤️1
DigVOLLEY. Feel 1 JAZZED (POW +50%).--Volley❤️2
Forward PassVOLLEY. SHIFTs ally to front row.--Volley❤️5
JuggleBall goes to self. POW to self.--Volley❤️5
PipeVOLLEY. SHIFTs ally to back row.--Volley--
SetOnly used when ball is hittable. VOLLEY. Ally feels 1 JAZZED (POW +50%).--Volley❤️2
BuildOnly used from back row. Build a WALL in front of self. -34 STAMINA.--Support--
Lay TrapOpponent field gains +2 TRAP. (Tag-ins lose 8 stamina per trap).--Support❤️2
StealBall goes to self. SHIFTs self to front row.--Support❤️1
WhistleFeel 1 NOISY (attracts attacks).--Support❤️2
DistractionOnly used from net. Feel 1 NOISY (attracts attacks).--Defense--
FrazzleTarget feels 1 STRESSED (becomes TIRED).--Defense--
ShieldFeel 1 TOUGH (1/4 damage) + 2 ANGRY (only attacks).--Defense❤️1
Heat UpTarget feels +1 SWEATY (losing stamina).--Defense❤️2

Combo Moves



  • Trat's internal name is "rat".
  • Trat's reportedly used to favor Plastic Bags over cans, according to Elena's first hangout. Also according to that hangout, Trat is surprisingly closely related to aquatic beasties like Crabaret.
