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From Beastiepedia: The Beastieball Wiki

"An ancient Beastie that has hardly changed in 400 million years. Their ability to play Beastieball both on land and undersea has allowed them to thrive through climate shifts."

Xiphosaur is a Beastie.



Base Stats

Power Defense
20 Body 123
55 Spirit 85
29 Mind 107
Total: 419


BunkerNever take more than 99 damage at onceNatural


From Level Up

From Level Up
ShieldFeel 1 TOUGH (1/4 damage) + 2 ANGRY (only attacks).--Defense1❤️1
Beginner EffortA ATTACK.45Spirit1--
DigVOLLEY. Feel 1 JAZZED (POW +50%).--Volley6❤️2
TopplerPOW +100% for each BOOST on target.50Spirit11--
HunkerDEF to self. Feel 1 NERVOUS (can't move).--Support16❤️2
Forward PassVOLLEY. SHIFTs ally to front row.--Volley21❤️5
Careful ShotATTACK. Targets SIDEWAYS.40Spirit26--
DozeFully restores stamina and FEELINGS. Feel 4 TIRED (only basic actions).--Support30❤️2
RelentlessCan use even when SHOOK or TIRED.50Spirit34--
Lay TrapOpponent field gains +2 TRAP. (Tag-ins lose 8 stamina per trap).--Support37❤️2
CounterATTACK. POW x1.5 if user recieved the ball.75Spirit41--
Torch Pass-100 STAMINA. Restores benched ally's stamina and FEELINGs. TAG OUT.--Defense46--

With Friendship

With Friendship
Desperate ForceCan hit without volleying. Feel 1 STRESSED (becomes TIRED).75Spirit--
GritPOW x2 when SWEATY, NERVOUS, or TENDER.65Spirit--
ComebackATTACK. POW x1.5 if tied or behind on score.60Spirit--
SteamerTargets straight ahead. Target gains 2 SWEATY (losing stamina).1Spirit--
PipeVOLLEY. SHIFTs ally to back row.--Volley--
DrumAlly field gets 6 RHYTHM (Healing and protection).--Support--
Nettle-20 STAMINA to target.--Support--
Tough Front-25 STAMINA. Feel 2 TOUGH (1/4 damage).--Support--
Body ReadyDEF to self.--Defense--


  • Xiphosaur's internal name is "horseshoe".
